デイヴィッド・グレーバーに捧げる銀河間メモリアル・カーニバル in 金沢
Intergalactic Memorial Carnival for David Graeber in Kanazawa
October 11 (Sun) from approximately 1pm to 5pm (whatever)
We will be reading from “Debt: The First 5,000 Years,” “Bullshit Jobs: A Theory,” and Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology” in both English and Japanese.
場所はまもなく決定します。 このイベントは、Jitsi.orgを使用してオンラインでも開催されます。 詳しくはカン・タムラ(john@japandocumentary.com)までお問い合わせください。
We will decide the location soon. The event will also be held online using Jitsi.org. Please contact Can Tamura at john@japandocumentary.com for details.
Jitsi live-streaming link: https://meet.jit.si/DavidGraeberMemorialCarnivalinKanazawa
More information(日本語):https://davidgraeber.industries/memorial-carnival-jpn
(English): https://davidgraeber.industries/memorial-carnival-eng